No More Sad Desk Lunch Syndrome

If you read Kristen Hartke’s article in the Washington Post: The Best Eco-friendly Containers to Save You From Sad Desk Lunch Syndrome, you’d be inspired to toss out any plastic containers and amp up your lunch game.

In her article she begins with the quest to identify your luncher profile: a portion-control freak, the European luncher, the minimalist or the chronic snacker. We love that Kristen picked up on frego’s easy portion control with its 2 and 4 cup sizes and highlighted the borosilicate glass and food-grade silicone sleeve that make it a clean and easy transfer from freezer to briefcase to microwave.

 Kristen’s commentary on sad desk lunch syndrome prompted us to revisit the state of the American lunch. In research by Fooda, they cite that 90% of American workers buy lunch at least once a week, men are more likely than women to buy lunch and that people ages 42-49 are most likely to bring their lunch. They also said “Some people bring their lunches, but buying is the future,” which seems like a random claim to make given the data they presented.

 Additionally they shared that of people who buy lunch, 63% buy at a restaurant vs cafeterias, grocery stores, for example. And the 78% do buy at restaurants only have 1-5 restaurants in their rotation. Clearly the convenience of fully prepared food (vs buying at a grocery store, assembling any meal), and routine and predictability, are huge factors of American lunch choices. 

 However, there are other factors to consider. Like a lunch tab. The average American worker can easily rack up $3,000 over one year in coffee and lunch purchases during the workday.  After Fooda’s study came out suggesting buying lunches is the future, this report by The NPA Groupcounters that. It cites menu price hikes, the growing freelance/ work-from-home economy and online shopping are contributing to a decline in buying lunch during the business day.

 So many factors. What do you all think?

 At frego, we’d love to see and support more people bringing nutrious and satisfying lunches to work. We want to be an inspiration to lunch as you like, even have it feel a bit decadent at your desk if you dare.  Because frego is leak-proof, go ahead and pack those hearty homemade soups. Because frego is plastic-free, go ahead and microwave and rest-assured toxins aren’t leeching into your food. Because the silicone sleeve and lid stay cool, go head and handle it right out of the microwave.